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Showing posts with the label Grammar


Hello Friends, We’ll be talking about homonyms . Well homonyms are a group of words with the same sound . Like hey or hay . Hey is a greeting & hay is dry grass. So that’s fun    isn’t ...? I was reading Kane and Abel yesterday or is it Abel or able? Abel is a name is capacity like He’s an able businessman. Next is horse I have a horse but my voice is hoarse hoarse means bad. Next in line is heroine . I’d love to become a heroine but say no to heroin a drug. Wow , We’ve got accept and except. I accept your invitation but Everyone came yesterday except Ryan. Except is other than.Nice isn’t it? Here are some more good examples  There’s a hole in the bucket but He ate the whole apple.  The Car’s brake failed but He made a break through with the experiment. The glass is full of ice and He’s got dirt in his eyes .  So learning can be fun... We’ll see ya next time . Till then bye bye.