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Using can

Hi friends, How’re all of you ? Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Well today we’ll talk about ‘can’ the auxiliary verb. Many people don’t know how to use it. Can means ability to do something physical . I can drive the car. Can means capacity like I can learn new languages Can means possibility... It can rain today. Also request like Can I help you? Can friends isn’t past tense . So if you want to talk about past events use Could. I can do it .. I could’ve done it. Well interesting isn’t it?  See you next time for more English lessons.. Bye 

Using auxiliary verbs

Hi friends, Today we’ll be talking about auxiliary verbs. Auxiliaries are a very important part of the  English language .Infact we can’t do without them when in conversation. The auxiliaries are : Can , could, shall , should, Will , would, may , must & might  In addition we use need to , have to , want to & ought to. Now what can these do for us?The auxiliaries make the language formal and effective.They add poise to the communication . So make sure friends you use auxiliary verbs to enhance your language.Tc.Your English guide.

Eye contact...To do or not to ?

Hello Friends , Today's topic , an absolute essential ...Eye contact. How to ....? Why to...?Where to .....not to ? Well Eye contact doesn't at all mean staring in the eyes of opposite person . Well eye contact means looking at the Third eye. Now where's the Third Eye. It's the spot between the two eyebrows .Lord Shiva ....Does that strike a chord ? Well Yes , Lord Shiva has a third eye between the two eyebrows .   How to ....eye contact ?  Never look continuously in a person's eye .Break away every 5-7 seconds .It creates more  comfort level. Why to.....eye contact? It shows your appreciation and attention to the opposite person .Never look over a person's shoulder .It's absolutely insulting. Where to .....eye contact? An interview usually but mostly in every conversation & communication it's  a must. Not to ....eye contact ? If you want to disapprove or show disgust cutting off eye contact is anyday better than aggressive behaviour. Well ,Eye conta...

Communication vs talk

     Hi Friends , Today we will be talking about what's more relevant , talking or communication . Obviously the latter.Many people don't know what good COMMUNICATION means.    It means that whatever you say is registered by the listener and vice versa. We either talk to 1 person , a group of 5-6 persons or a crowd of people we need to remember these points: 1.Good eye contact is the basic requirement. 2.Before you start decide exactly what and how to say(prioritize). 3.Choose your words with care. 4.Also when you speak ,remember the place should be appropriate. So if you remember the what , where , how and to whom ,you've won the battle. TC.your ENGLISH GUIDE

Getting a job

Hello friends, Today’s is the most wanted topic Job hunting. Well are you a graduate? If you’re a graduate do you have a Post graduate degree like a Masters I business management. Above all this do you have good communication skills? Well are we humans or are we robots? I guess we are becoming robots in this rat race. Do we have 5 minutes to enjoy with our family or friends? Do you have free time for an evening walk ? Well I guess not ! Does this sound too negative? Well it’s the reality of life. If you’ve got a job, you wan a car and if you’ve got both you want to have a good house. Well it’s a vicious circle. So the solution is to just chill. Enjoy your life and be happy with what you have. Zindagi na milegi dobara guys and money..... that’s the question . It’ll come for where will it go ? Eat work from home enjoy with family and repeat.

English during the covid pandemic

Hello English pals, Good to be back. Well in today’s post we will be learning the best way to upskill yourself during the Corona pandemic.Hopefully after the lockdown you will be a better orator and writer. Firstly English is a very easy language,if you learn the tricks. Watch a lot of good English videos and movies. By good I mean no slang words. Learn a new word each day, use it the same day in your sentence. If somebody says something, and you like the sound of it , learn the meaning. Read good books or English classics refer Googlebooks .com Or  . Try to listen to famous personalities speeches search  . Practice before the mirror.Know your flaws . Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. It’s all part of the process. Is this post useful?Please feel free to comment below. Take care . Keep chatting.

How to shake hands confidently

How to shake hands Well shaking hands isn’t a cup of tea after all. It shows much more of your personality than you think. There are three kinds of hand shakes: 1) The confident handshake- This is the handshake where you are firm and confident. It’s a neither loose nor tight grip. 2) The limp fish- A loose in confident handshake. Lacks both confidence and a total turn off. 3) The bone crusher- This handshake is to be totally avoided. It can create a bad impression. Nobody will want to shake hands with you again after this. Some more rules Keep both your and the others hand at same level. This shows your respect for the opposite person. Some Asian countries don’t accept handshake whereas in western countries the people take it as part of their culture. So keep reading my blog for more articles on English & Life skills