Hi friends, Here’s the next set of prepositions. On can be used for time, event , date or day Their train arrives on Monday. He reached on time. We’ll be there on the22nd of June. We enjoyed on New Year’s Eve. Similarly in can be used for time , month , year, season . Janet came to office in time ( meaning within time) I’m on vacation in January. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. I go to Goa in the summer season . He was born in 1960. Remember not to use in on at before tomorrow last yesterday next. Another preposition is during that denotes time .During means in that particular time. He was attentive during the presentation. During the weekends I completed my work. I made coffee during the break . He likes to eat fruits during breakfast. He was awake during the night. So these words are all prepositions. We’ll be back next time with more grammar and new concepts. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks. This is your English guide signing off. Byes
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