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The magic of Phonics

 Hi friends , Today’s is a very interesting topic. Phonics. Phonics are alphabet sounds that make all the difference. Phonetics is the sound system of a language. Phonology is the art of learning phonics. How to start: The IPA ( International phonetics association) has devised symbols for each sound. But it’s always easier to remember a sound rather than a symbol. In India , when we learn any regional language, we first learn sounds "Barakhadi".But in American or British English some sounds have to be created aa , ae , er , ch , sh . This has what has given rise to phonics ..according to me .The IPA (International phonetic association ) has given symbols for each of these sounds but learn a sound is always easier than learning a symbol. Just imagine after years of learning English , someone were to tell you its not A its ae ,would be confusing well. That's why I recommend ..learn the sound and not the symbol. More important is the Intonation part ..When you talk a...
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Encoding to decoding

 Hello friends, Communication is all about encoding and decoding. Are we talking about computers here ? Well yes and no.  Computers use input data ...process & produce output. Now the similarity with communication... Always there is in communication a sender and receiver as we know. So when you send talk you send a signal to the listener (Encoding) which he registers and reciprocates . Let's not get too technical.. How to make communication really effective.Here's the mantra Compact --Keep it to the point. Concise-- Keep it brief. Clear--- Place your ideas clearly. Constructive---Make sure you get a favourable outcome. Clever---Make the right use of words. These are my 5 C's for communication. In business communication is usually: BtoB --Business to Business. Bto C-- Business to Customer. Cto C--Customer  to customer. Also: Vertical communication -- From the employees to seniors. Horizontal communication-- From Employees to their subordinates. Downward communicatio...

Prepositions part 2

Hi friends,  Here’s the next set of prepositions. On can be used for time, event , date or day Their train arrives on Monday. He reached on time. We’ll be there on the22nd of June. We enjoyed on New Year’s Eve. Similarly in can be used for time , month , year, season . Janet came to office in time ( meaning within time) I’m on vacation in January. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. I go to  Goa in the summer season . He was born in 1960. Remember not to use in on at before tomorrow last yesterday next. Another preposition is during that denotes time .During means in that particular time. He was attentive during the presentation. During the weekends I completed my work. I made coffee during the break . He likes to eat fruits during breakfast. He was awake during the night. So these words are all prepositions. We’ll be back next time with more grammar and    new concepts. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks. This is your English guide signing off. Byes 

Prepositions part 1

Hello English pals... Today we’ll be learning prepositions. Prepositions are connecting words in a sentence. They stand before a noun or pronoun.Today we’ll be studying in on at Examples are  We are in the class shows the position . He’s in trouble. Shows state .He being in trouble. The file is on the desk .. on shows the position of the file in relation with the desk. The house is on fire. Again shows the state of being on fire. At can be used for time  He is at the bus stop. This sentence shows his position with relation to the bus stop. Keep reading the blog for more info on prepositions. Your English guide. Byes 


Hello Friends, We’ll be talking about homonyms . Well homonyms are a group of words with the same sound . Like hey or hay . Hey is a greeting & hay is dry grass. So that’s fun    isn’t ...? I was reading Kane and Abel yesterday or is it Abel or able? Abel is a name is capacity like He’s an able businessman. Next is horse I have a horse but my voice is hoarse hoarse means bad. Next in line is heroine . I’d love to become a heroine but say no to heroin a drug. Wow , We’ve got accept and except. I accept your invitation but Everyone came yesterday except Ryan. Except is other than.Nice isn’t it? Here are some more good examples  There’s a hole in the bucket but He ate the whole apple.  The Car’s brake failed but He made a break through with the experiment. The glass is full of ice and He’s got dirt in his eyes .  So learning can be fun... We’ll see ya next time . Till then bye bye.

Using can

Hi friends, How’re all of you ? Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Well today we’ll talk about ‘can’ the auxiliary verb. Many people don’t know how to use it. Can means ability to do something physical . I can drive the car. Can means capacity like I can learn new languages Can means possibility... It can rain today. Also request like Can I help you? Can friends isn’t past tense . So if you want to talk about past events use Could. I can do it .. I could’ve done it. Well interesting isn’t it?  See you next time for more English lessons.. Bye 

Using auxiliary verbs

Hi friends, Today we’ll be talking about auxiliary verbs. Auxiliaries are a very important part of the  English language .Infact we can’t do without them when in conversation. The auxiliaries are : Can , could, shall , should, Will , would, may , must & might  In addition we use need to , have to , want to & ought to. Now what can these do for us?The auxiliaries make the language formal and effective.They add poise to the communication . So make sure friends you use auxiliary verbs to enhance your language.Tc.Your English guide.