Hi friends , Today’s is a very interesting topic. Phonics. Phonics are alphabet sounds that make all the difference. Phonetics is the sound system of a language. Phonology is the art of learning phonics. How to start: The IPA ( International phonetics association) has devised symbols for each sound. But it’s always easier to remember a sound rather than a symbol. In India , when we learn any regional language, we first learn sounds "Barakhadi".But in American or British English some sounds have to be created ...like aa , ae , er , ch , sh . This has what has given rise to phonics ..according to me .The IPA (International phonetic association ) has given symbols for each of these sounds but learn a sound is always easier than learning a symbol. Just imagine after years of learning English , someone were to tell you its not A its ae ,would be confusing well. That's why I recommend ..learn the sound and not the symbol. More important is the Intonation part ..When you talk a...
Hello friends, Communication is all about encoding and decoding. Are we talking about computers here ? Well yes and no. Computers use input data ...process & produce output. Now the similarity with communication... Always there is in communication a sender and receiver as we know. So when you send talk you send a signal to the listener (Encoding) which he registers and reciprocates . Let's not get too technical.. How to make communication really effective.Here's the mantra Compact --Keep it to the point. Concise-- Keep it brief. Clear--- Place your ideas clearly. Constructive---Make sure you get a favourable outcome. Clever---Make the right use of words. These are my 5 C's for communication. In business communication is usually: BtoB --Business to Business. Bto C-- Business to Customer. Cto C--Customer to customer. Also: Vertical communication -- From the employees to seniors. Horizontal communication-- From Employees to their subordinates. Downward communicatio...