Hello friends,
Communication is all about encoding and decoding. Are we talking about computers here ? Well yes and no.
Computers use input data ...process & produce output. Now the similarity with communication...
Always there is in communication a sender and receiver as we know.
So when you send talk you send a signal to the listener (Encoding) which he registers and reciprocates .
Let's not get too technical..
How to make communication really effective.Here's the mantra
Compact --Keep it to the point.
Concise-- Keep it brief.
Clear--- Place your ideas clearly.
Constructive---Make sure you get a favourable outcome.
Clever---Make the right use of words.
These are my 5 C's for communication.
In business communication is usually:
BtoB --Business to Business.
Bto C-- Business to Customer.
Cto C--Customer to customer.
Vertical communication -- From the employees to seniors.
Horizontal communication-- From Employees to their subordinates.
Downward communication-- From employees to juniors.
Crosswise communication ---Inter department.
In the next session more on types of communication.
Till then bye & keep talking.
Your English Guide
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