How to speak well .How to present yourself well .How to make a lasting impression .
Well,should I increase my Vocabulary or fix that confidence ?You can easily eliminate your flaws in any language by using GoogleSearch or make a deal at some English speaking class.Is there a cure for this ailment ? Well yes , login to my blog .Let's get to the point.What words to use when you talk in the everyday world .Let's say you're meeting a person for the first time like I'm meeting you , I'll say "Hello
,how are you?" or more formal "Hello ,how do you do ?" like in Britain or like in the United States of America you'd say "Hi !how dýou do ? " So this is how to greet a person .If it's in the morning ,it would be "Hello ,good morning to you "" otherwise it would be a "Good afternoon".So friends if you want to make a lasting impression log in for new stuff for newbies .Bye.See you .Take care
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